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Life Stories
It doesn’t matter what we say about ourselves, hear it straight
from our guests and volunteers.

“I lost my job and became homeless. I arrived at Caring Hands as a guest, and an alcoholic with the support I found at Caring Hands, I...

Val came to Caring Hands because when she retired as a pharmacy dispenser, she got bored and missed seeing people. She knew the manager...

John (Red)
“I was living homeless in Chatham with nothing when I first came to Caring Hands. I was a broken man, addicted to class A drugs, in and...

“Fourteen years ago I was rendered homeless and living in doorways etc. for 12-18 months - it was easily the lowest time of my life. "If...

“Before Caring Hands, I was heavily involved in drugs, alcohol and getting in trouble with the police quite often for many years. I...

Homelessness can happen to anyone – even qualified professionals. Tony came to the UK in 1976 after qualifying as a Paediatrician in the...

“I had a good upbringing with a mum and a dad that loved me and loved each other. I was quite good at school, and I could have had a...

Gabby has always enjoyed helping people, and when her children had grown and she wasn’t working, she decided she wanted to do something...

“I didn’t expect the staff and guests to have such good relationships and mutual respect, or to enjoy myself as much as I do. If I turn...

“Caring Hands is part of my support network. It’s part of my Christian network. And it gives me the opportunity to encourage other people...
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