Our Three-Stage Approach
To Enabling Changed Lives
From Crisis

Bad things happen even to good people. We all have times in our lives when we need a little help. If someone hits a crisis, we provide the essentials to help them survive: hot meals and drinks, shower facilities, laundry facilities and spare clothing. Plus a friendly ear and benefits advice.
to Coping
Right from our initial assessment, we treat everyone as somebody’s daughter, somebody’s son. We care about finding the cause of their problems.
Here at the Centre we eat, chat and play together: strong friendships are formed, and everyone is welcomed into our community.

to Confidence
Our aim is to empower people to achieve their full potential, and do so boldly, in the workplace and in life. We help with rebuilding self-confidence, perhaps through offering work experience as a volunteer here, or giving support with looking for apprenticeships or other employment.
We are always here to give ongoing support for as long as it is needed. Homelessness should only ever be a temporary problem.